Category Archives: Uncategorized

3D Printing Forum, RiAus, 20th Feb 2012 – Photos

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Things we’ve printed

For our first attempts at printing, we tried out the Makerbot test cubes: Warped test cubes We ended up with a selection of warped, distorted cubes.  Although frustrating, this was a useful part of the process of getting to know … Continue reading

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The MakerBot Replicator™

We at ANAT are very excited to see that Makerbot Industries have just released a new improved desktop 3D printer, the MakerBot Replicator™. 

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3D printed Sydney Opera House

The finish is a little disappointing on this print, the smooth curves of the sails are a bit too jagged for our liking.  Hopefully something that can be solved by some slight adjustments to the calibration of the Makerbot.

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Warped cubes, re-calibration and successful printing!

Our first attempts at making stuff with our ToM were somewhat unsuccessful – see some of our warped test cubes below! cube printing video However thanks to David Chan’s expert advice and some support from the online Makerbot community we … Continue reading

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